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Bryant H. McGill

Bryant H. McGill (born November 7, 1969) is an American author, aphorism writer, speaker, and activist in the fields of self-development, personal freedom, and human rights. On August 21, 2006, McGill was the subject of...

Mal Peet

Mal Peet is born October 5, 1947 and died March 2, 2015. He was an English author and illustrator best known for youth literature. He has received several awards, including the Brandford Boase Awards, the...

Nancy Torrez

Nancy Torrez is a copywriter of many financial posts relating to issuance of payday loans. She specializes in details about online loans. Nancy believes this product will help many Americans solve any financial problems. Nancy...

Samantha Jimenez

Samantha Jimenez is hired not long ago but her personal achievements allow her reach some success in copywriting. Samantha is 29 years old. She has graduated from St.Francis College in 2012. She specialized in creating...

Stephanie Reyes

Stephanie Reyes is a 30 years old women with an extensive experience in IT sphere. She started creating and posting such a content already in the University. She has graduated from University of Chicago. Now...